Q: Is there going to be another installment to "World on Fire," which premiered on PBS in the winter of 2019? This was an excellent series starring Helen Hunt. It left several characters' stories unfinished and we are hoping it will carry on from where it left off.

A: The first season of the wartime drama was well received, and a second season has been announced. But I do not know when it will begin. Production was delayed during the pandemic and one report said it will return late in 2021 at the earliest.

On the "Masterpiece" website, "World on Fire" creator Peter Bowker offered this teaser for the second season: "Kasia and Lois will meet, and the fallout from that, I think for everybody, will be interesting and fascinating. Season 2 will start, historically, with the blitz in the Northwest of England. And North Africa will be very much the field of battle. We'll find out more about Webster's family history. Nancy will finally have to leave Berlin near the start of the series, for crossing a line, and we will also find out more about Nancy. And she will carry on. She will definitely be in the Soviet Union for some of it. So yeah, that's the shape it's taking. And Lois, of course, trapped in a rather Bronte-esque, loveless marriage with Vernon."

Write to Rich Heldenfels, brenfels@gmail.com.