If you could be in both Kentucky and New York at the same time Wednesday,you would bear witness to some of the most extreme weather conditions thatnature can produce. In Louisville and Lexington Wednesday, temperatures willhead toward the 70s and severe thunderstorms will run amuck during theafternoon.On the opposite of the coin, it will be snowing across a good portion of NewYork with temperatures barely at the freezing mark.

It's a simple matter of the blossoming spring season running head-on intowinter's leftovers. That often happens in March and April, and when it does,the atmosphere is typically up to no good.

So there will be a big storm tonight and Wednesday, and it will impact a broadarea from the northern Great Plains to the Northeast.

North of the storm track, there will be a disruptive snowfall, as much as 6 to12 inches, but I've seen much worse this time of year. To the south, there willbe destructive thunderstorms with straight-line winds gusting to over 60 milesper hour.

The storm is the initial step into a much colder weather pattern for thenorthern third of the country which will persist into next week and possiblyeven longer.

Story by AccuWeather.com Senior Meteorologist John Kocet.